The Orville - Model Filming

The Orville – I Can’t Wait

The Orville looks amazing! Smash a Star Trek homage together that feels like Galaxy Quest and include both CGI and Old School model making. The aliens look stunning so far too. Is this the show I’ve been waiting for?

aliens nutshell

The Fermi Paradox 1&2 – Where Are All The Aliens?

Where are all the aliens? The universe is too big and too old, why have we not met aliens yet? Do they live in computers? Were they wiped out by an ancient super intelligence? Or are we just to primitive to understand their motives? Whatever the answer is, it is incredibly important for our own … Read more

Got Robot, Elgin, IL

Got Robot, Elgin IL

We’re happy to announce that Oddball Art Labs will be donating a large portion of the proceeds from our upcoming Robots’ Rockets and Space Vixens art show to the Got Robot team from Elgin, IL. Got Robot was the donation recipient from our first show “Calling All Robots” and we are happy to have them … Read more

Will Robots Take My Job

Will Robots Take My Job?

This is a rather depressing question, but a valid one…Will robots take my job? This site tries to help you plan your future by letting you know if your career is in jeopardy.

Jim Nelson Robot Spot

The Robot Spot

Longtime Oddball Art Labs ally Jim Nelson has an amazing running blog of robot drawings. You owe it to yourself to check it out. The Robot Spot by Jim Nelson