From the creators who brought you ” Strange Imaginations and Other Perplexing Wonders”, “Robots, Rockets and Space Vixens”, “Cheesecake Anyone?”, “Cheesecake Seconds Please! A Salute to the American Pin-up!” and “Fez Fest” comes: Cartoon Cavalcade, A Celebration of All Things Toony!
The Summer 2019 Oddball Art Labs group show brought us back to those care-free Saturday mornings of our childhood. Remember the joy of the one time of the week when you were in complete control of the TV, soaking in Technicolor lunacy while stuffing your face with sugar coated cereal.
Between the opening and closing receptions, we saw over 300 people laugh, smile and have a great time at the show.

The ‘After Party’ was held down the block at the Martini Room. A great atmosphere, wonderful drinks in this friendly venue.
Opening Reception
Friday, July 12th, 2019
Hours: 6pm-10pm
ArtSpace Gallery
51 S. Spring St.
Elgin, IL 60120
Closing Reception
Saturday July 27th, 2019
Hours: 10am-3pm
ArtSpace Gallery
51 S. Spring St.
Elgin, IL 60120
This year Oddball Art Labs is pleased to announce that the Well Child Center in Elgin was chosen as the donation recipient for our Cartoon Cavalcade show.

We were happy to deliver a $1,480 donation check to Cindy Anderson at the Well Child Center. They were our charity recipient for this year’s group art show, Cartoon Cavalcade, in July. They also took in over $200 in direct donations at their table during our event.

Cindy told us that the money will do towards purchasing a replacement X-Ray machine in one of their dental appointment areas. They have three of these areas available and one of them has a very old X-Ray machine, so it doesn’t get utilized. A new X-Ray machine costs $3,000, so our donation helped get them more than half way to purchasing a replacement.
Thank you again to everyone who attended Cartoon Cavalcade and donated at the door. You have helped to make a difference in our community.

This year’s Jam Painting was won by Alain Balucating and his family. It looks like they will enjoy having it in their house.

Thank you to all of the artists and art lovers who joined us for this wonderful event!

The show was made possible by a grant from the Elgin Cultural Arts Commission.